Thursday, 16 May 2013

Artist Profile - Coralie Peterman


Coralie Peterman is an artist belonging to the Pitjantjatjara language and cultural group. She was born in 1965 at Mt Davis, near Piplaytjarra SA.  Coralie grew up here in Irrunytju where she remembers going out hunting and for picnics with her family.

"We always go hunting, walking around and looking around for rabbits and goanna out bush...over that way. We went, my mother and father and all our family so we could have a good feed. We would camp for the night or two nights then come back home here to Irrunytju. All the white fellas were over there at the mine and we didn't know what they were doing."

She comes to the art centre with her daughter Noelene and her three grandchildren - Deandra, Bernadette and Anna and they all paint together.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Fingers and Petals - The Handmade Flower Show

Our very own Ivy Laidlaw, Evonne Lewis and Cynthia Bourke are flying to Perth tomorrow to represent The Tjanpi Desert Weavers at "Fingers and Petals - The Handmade Flower Show". As well as their work being exhibited they will be running flower making workshops on Saturday and Sunday (Click on flyer above to see times and locations). If you are in Perth be sure to go and find them!

Evonne Lewis, Cynthia Burke and Ivy Laidlaw

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Artist Profile - Inyika O'Toole

Inyika was born at Angus Downs near Watarrka. She moved around a lot in her childhood life, living with her parents in Pipalyatjara area between the ages of 6-7 years. Later they went to Ernabella and travelled to Areyonga, back and forth. She would sit down with her parents and watch them how they do painting, artifacts, wood carving, beading and other craft. She was also taught how to collect bush food and hunting.

She worked at the Learning Centre in Ernabella, doing sewing and she even did a bit of work at the child care.

As her children grew up as adults, she did artifacts like punu wood carving. but she never stopped working. She worked for the DASSA, which was based in Amata SA.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Artist Profile - Heather Watson

Heather Watson was born in 1967 in the bush at Iliwangu Illiwangu near Armata, South Australia.

“That place of Wati Ngintaka Tjukurpa (Goanna Man Dreaming) that’s where I was born. There was no nurse and we had no car. Just my mother and father. They walked with me to Ernabella when I was a tiny tiny baby.”

She tells the stories of Minyma Kutjara (the two sisters) and the journey they made through her grandmother’s country Kuru Ala.